Wednesday March 27, 2013

Wednesday March 27, 2013

On April 1st, we’ll have new frequencies for the summer broadcast beaming to some areas in Europe and America. VOV’s delayed broadcast from Moosbrunn, Woofferton, and Dhabayya to Western Europe...
Tough message prior to Nowruz

Tough message prior to Nowruz

(VOVworld)- Iranians are celebrating the beginning of their New Year, Nowruz, the first day of the Iranian month of Farvardin on the Persian calendar, with hopes for peace and stability....
20 March 2013

20 March 2013

Each week when we receive letters and emails from listeners around the world, we find that some of the listeners care about political issues in Vietnam while a majority are keenly interested...
March 13, 2013

March 13, 2013

To begin this week’s Letter Box, we’ll say Hello to two new listeners, Andreas Lubnow of Germany and Muhammad Idrees of Pakistan. Welcome to VOV’s community of...
 06 March 2013

06 March 2013

This week, we’ll begin with a letter from Daniel Toth, a 24-year-old student of economics from Slovakia who is studying at the University of Edinburgh. Though he only began...
 January 16, 2013

January 16, 2013

This week, a series of New Year’s greeting cards from our listeners came to our office, confirming the arrived of the New Year’s greetings and gifts we sent
Wednesday January 2, 2013

Wednesday January 2, 2013

A: Dear listeners, may you be blessed with every happiness throughout the New Year. I hope this edition of the Letter Box finds you well
26th December 2012

26th December 2012

First of all, on behalf of all the English section staff, we would like to say thank you for your best wishes and greetings to us on Christmas and New Year. Yesterday, one of our regular listeners from...
Ramadan ends on unpeaceful note

Ramadan ends on unpeaceful note

(VOVworld)- The Muslim holy month of Ramadan is over. According Ramadan tradition, people were supposed to pray and do good deeds during this month, but conflicts and bloody clashes in...
 July 04 2012

July 04 2012

(VOVworld) - This week, we’ve received a lot of emails and letters from Asian listeners. One is Ms. Robina Aktar, an editor with the LOLONA Listeners Club in Bangladesh. Robina...
June 20th, 2012

June 20th, 2012

Starting this week’s Letter Box on Radio the Voice of Vietnam, we welcome Marcos Cox Aguilera from Vicuna, Chile. Marcos who tuned into the English program for the first...
May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012

From Sweden, Christer Brunstrom, who said he spent much more time listening to us in May after traveling quite a lot in April, reported tuning in to our May 19 broadcast...
Khau Vai love market festival opens

Khau Vai love market festival opens

(VOVworld) - The Culture and Tourism Week of Khau Vai love market festival opened on Saturday in Meo Vac district, in the northernmost province of Ha Giang
March 7th, 2012

March 7th, 2012

I’d like to begin this week’s Letter Box with opinions from some of our regular listeners about old-fashioned shortwave listening versus new media technology