Scenario for climate change response in Vietnam

Scenario for climate change response in Vietnam

(VOVworld ) - Vietnam continues to be singled out as one of the world’s climate change hotspots. With its long coastline and low-lying deltas, researchers warn millions of people in the country...
2013: year of extreme weather events

2013: year of extreme weather events

(VOVworld) – 2013 has seen a record sea level rise and the 10th highest temperature since modern meteorological records began around the year 1850
 AO/dioxin exhibition closes

AO/dioxin exhibition closes

(VOVworld) - An exhibition called “Agent Orange - Sense and Justice” co-organized by the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin and Da Nang city closed yesterday
Vietnam exerts efforts for MDGs

Vietnam exerts efforts for MDGs

(VOVworld) - A workshop titled “National consultation for new development agenda for post 2015” opened in Hanoi on Wednesday. The workshop was held 3 months after the UN asked 8 target...
Rocky road for climate change response

Rocky road for climate change response

(VOVworld) – There has been little indication of any future for the Kyoto Protocol at the ongoing UN conference on climate change in Qatar. The Kyoto Protocol, currently the only international agreement to reduce greenhouse...