Catholics contribute to national defense

Catholics contribute to national defense

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Public Security held a national conference in Nam Dinh on Tuesday to review 20 years of implementing Directive 11 on encouraging the Catholic community to become...
Catholics strengthen national unity bloc

Catholics strengthen national unity bloc

(VOVworld)- The Politburo member and Head of the Party’s Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilization Ha Thi Khiet, met with the Archbishop of Hanoi’s Catholic Diocese Nguyen...
Vietnamese Catholics live the gospel

Vietnamese Catholics live the gospel

(VOVworld) – More than 5 million Vietnamese Catholic followers are celebrating Christmas, the most important celebration of the year. The Catholic community has enlightened the gospel in the society with incentive...
Christmas celebrations underway

Christmas celebrations underway

(VOVworld)- The President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan has sent Christmas greetings to Catholic dignitaries and followers