Youth Union opens 12th National Congress

Youth Union opens 12th National Congress

(VOVWORLD) -981 delegates, representing more than 22 million Vietnamese cadres, youth union members and young people, attended the 12th National Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, term...
Peru's president ousted

Peru's president ousted

(VOVWORLD) - Peru’s Congress voted to remove President Pedro Castillo on Wednesday, with 101 votes in favor, 6 votes against, and 10 abstentions, climaxing the worst political in more than...
Vietnamese leaders condole over death of Jiang Zemin

Vietnamese leaders condole over death of Jiang Zemin

(VOVWORLD) -Upon the passing of Jiang Zemin, former General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and former President of China, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc...
 Economic diplomacy promoted for development

Economic diplomacy promoted for development

(VOVWORLD) - Each Ambassador or head of a representative agency abroad needs to fulfil their responsibilities to the Party and people and use economic diplomacy to maintain Vietnam’s growth momentum and...
Hanoi Peace Conference opens

Hanoi Peace Conference opens

(VOVWORLD) - The Hanoi Peace Conference, held on the occasion of the 22nd Congress of the World Peace Council, took place on Friday in Hanoi