Bailiff practice reviewed

Bailiff practice reviewed

(VOVworld)- Hanoi has hosted a workshop to review the piloted bailiff practice as required by the National Assembly resolution
Final week of National Assembly session

Final week of National Assembly session

(VOVworld) – During the final week of the National Assembly session, deputies will discuss the draft law on the organization of local administration, ratify the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel...
Boko Haram leader shows up in new video

Boko Haram leader shows up in new video

(VOVworld) - A man resembling Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau dismisses Nigerian military claims of his death in a new video obtained by the AFP news agency on Thursday
Discovering Hanoi’s architecture

Discovering Hanoi’s architecture

(VOVworld) – A book called “The old ironworks” by painter researcher Tran Hau Yen The has breathed new life into the research of Hanoi’s architecture. It has won the 7th...
Ancient Vietnamese ceramic statues

Ancient Vietnamese ceramic statues

(VOVworld)- Vietnamese people began making ceramic statues thousands of years ago. Ceramic statues are decorative and are also used in worshiping rituals. Ancient Vietnamese statues are diverse in terms of materials, glazing...
China sentenced to death Xinjiang terrorists

China sentenced to death Xinjiang terrorists

(VOVworld) – Xinhua reported that 13 defendants had committed terrorism and violent activities in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, north-western China, and were sentenced to death on Monday
World media support Vietnam’s East Sea stance

World media support Vietnam’s East Sea stance

(VOVworld) – World media continues to run articles indicating support for Vietnam’s stance and condemning China’s illegal deployment of oil rig Haiyang 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone...