Radio adapts itself to digital transformation

Radio adapts itself to digital transformation

(VOVWORLD) - The National Radio Festival 2022, which concluded on Saturday evening, has shown broadcasting industry’s considerable innovation to adapt to digital transformation and social changes after 2 years of...
Quang Nam pilots forest carbon credit

Quang Nam pilots forest carbon credit

(VOVWORLD) - Quang Nam province is the first locality in Vietnam to receive government approval for a pilot project on trading forest carbon credits. Implemented from 2021 to 2025, the project...
Hue Festival 2022 full of cultural colors

Hue Festival 2022 full of cultural colors

(VOVWORLD) - The Hue festival 2022 has been a national cultural tourism event since it was first launched 22 years ago. The festival, which runs from June 25 to June 30 with...
Binh Dinh develops concentrated fruit growing regions

Binh Dinh develops concentrated fruit growing regions

(VOVWORLD) - Hoai An district is among localities in Binh Dinh province that have developed concentrated fruit growing regions. The district has established several cooperatives for fruit cultivation and strengthened links...
Russia bans 49 UK citizens from entering Russia

Russia bans 49 UK citizens from entering Russia

(VOVWORLD) -Russia has banned 49 British journalists and defense officials from entering Russia, saying they have spread false information about the war in Ukraine or been responsible for arms deliveries...
NA wraps up Q&A session

NA wraps up Q&A session

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly’s Q&A session concluded on Thursday after 2 and a half days
PM hosts national dialogue with farmers

PM hosts national dialogue with farmers

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh stressed the need to enhance self-reliance with human resources serving as the mainstay, as Vietnam aims to develop eco-agriculture and modern and...
Lavash bread, the symbol of Armenian cuisine

Lavash bread, the symbol of Armenian cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The paper-thin, blanket-sized bread called lavash has long been considered a fundamental element of Armenians’ diet. It is one of the most ancient breads still being made today. Lavash...
One of largest ozone holes shrinks

One of largest ozone holes shrinks

(VOVWORLD) -This year, the US’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) satellite observations determined the ozone hole reached a maximum of 24.8 million square kilometres, roughly the size of...
Vietnam hopes to deepen relationship with RoK

Vietnam hopes to deepen relationship with RoK

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam values its cooperative ties with the Republic of Korea (RoK) and hopes to deepen their relationship in a more practical and effective manner, said National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue...