Forum analyzes Vietnam’s urbanization direction

Forum analyzes Vietnam’s urbanization direction

(VOVWORLD) -1,500 domestic and international experts discussed "Sustainable urban development towards a green, smart city, adapting to climate change, preventing and fighting natural disasters and epidemics" at a forum...
Israeli falafel, a kind of fried vegetarian fritter

Israeli falafel, a kind of fried vegetarian fritter

(VOVWORLD) - Israel’s cuisine is classified as the cuisine of immigrants, and there is a variety of Israeli food available in this country, said Professor Nir Avieli, a cultural anthropologist at Ben Gurion University...
Technology transfer enhanced among young people

Technology transfer enhanced among young people

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has deeply integrated in the global economy. The multifaceted impacts of globalization, trade liberalization, and the 4th Industrial Revolution have created opportunities as well as exposed challenges to Vietnam’s development...