VOVWorld – linking Vietnam with the world

VOVWorld – linking Vietnam with the world

(VOVWORLD) - VOVWorld or VOV5 of the Voice of Vietnam with its multi-foreign language broadcasts started its first overseas program on September 7, 1945. Over the last 76 years, VOV5’s journalists...
Leaders commemorate President Ho Chi Minh on National Day

Leaders commemorate President Ho Chi Minh on National Day

(VOVWORLD) - A delegation of the Party Central Committee, the President, the National Assembly, the Government and the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee paid tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum...
Historical autumn in the memories of songwriters

Historical autumn in the memories of songwriters

(VOVWORLD) - Revolutionary songs hold a special place in Vietnam’s musical history. Many songwriters including Nguyen Dinh Thi and Xuan Oanh have used music to reflect the country’s historical...
Wednesday August 25, 2021

Wednesday August 25, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - : First on our show today, we’d like to welcome Afzal Husain of India to VOV. In his first feedback on our programming, Afzal expressed his interest in the...
General Vo Nguyen Giap and historical milestones

General Vo Nguyen Giap and historical milestones

(VOVWORLD) - This autumn Vietnam celebrates the 76th anniversary of the August Revolution that gave birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The celebration coincides with the 110th birthday on August 25 of General Vo...
New situation in Afghanistan

New situation in Afghanistan

(VOVWORLD) - After a series of quick developments, the Taliban on Sunday declared the war in Afghanistan over and has taken full control of the country. The Afghan President accepted defeat and fled the...