Rich people, strong country – Vietnam’s ultimate goals

(VOVWORLD) - On Wednesday Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong attended the first government session of the 2021-2026 tenure, where he stressed the importance of close coordination of the political system and consensus among the Party, the army, and the people to realize national goals.
Rich people, strong country – Vietnam’s ultimate goals - ảnh 1Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the the first session of the government of teh 2021-2026 tenure (photo: VNA)

Party leader Trong said Vietnam’s political system has three components: Party leadership, State management, and the people’s mastery. He said the Government, with its rules and operational mechanisms, works closely with State agencies and the whole political system to realize the shared goals of making Vietnam a strong country with prosperous people and a fair, democratic, civilized society and firmly advancing to socialism.

Mr. Trong said the Party, people, and army are diligently implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and decisions of the Party Central Committee in order to meet today’s unprecedented challenges and overcome all current difficulties.

To realize the goals and tasks set out at the 13th National Party Congress, the 3rd Plenum of the Party Central Committee, and the first session of the 15th National Assembly, the Government of the 2021-2026 tenure needs to continue to promote the fine tradition, remarkable achievements, and valuable lessons learned from previous governments to move forward in the renewal process and improve its performance in the new development period.

The Party leader stressed the need to prioritize 6 central tasks and 3 strategic breakthroughs, implement coordinated solutions to overcome impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, quickly recover and develop the economy, promote cultural values, enhance the Vietnamese people’s strength and creativity, sustain social order, discipline, safety, democracy, and civilization, and maintain a peaceful and stable environment for national development.

The Party leader particularly emphasized that Vietnam’s socialist-oriented market economy is a fundamental and creative theoretical breakthrough and an important theoretical result of the last 35 years of national renewal and lessons learned from developments in Vietnam and around the world. The socialist-oriented market economy is a modern, internationally integrated market economy which fully and synchronously operates according to the rules of the market economy under the management of a law-governed socialist state and the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam to achieve the goals of a rich people, a strong country, democracy, equality, and civilization.

The Party said one typical characteristic of the socialist orientation of the Vietnamese market economy is the close link between the economy and society, between economic and social policies, and between economic growth and social progress. Every economic policy embraces social development, while every social policy aims to boost economic growth, ensure social security and equality, encourage lawful enrichment, reduce poverty, and care for social beneficiaries and disadvantaged people. This is a principal requirement for ensuring health and sustainable, socialist-oriented development.

Amid rapid and complicated developments around the world, Mr. Trong said, it’s important to pay special attention to maintaining national independence and self-reliance, strengthening national security and defense, improving external relations and international integration, safeguarding national independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, and sea, island, and air spaces, and maintaining an environment of peace and stability for national development.

The Party leader added that organization and personnel work are decisive factors in the operation of the Government. He asked the Government, government agencies, and administrations at all levels to pay special attention to organization and personnel work, and abide by the Law on Government Organization, the Law on Local Administration Organization, and related laws to sustain the government and its capacity, ethics, and professionalism. Mr. Trong said it’s important to implement the Resolution of the 4th Plenum of the 11th and 12th Party Central Committee concerning Party building and rectification, and push back moral degradation and signs of self-evolution and self-transformation. He called for strengthening implementation of the Party Politburo’s Directive 5 on studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle.

The Party leader expressed his belief that the Government of the 2021-2026 tenure will continue its tradition and achievements over the past 75 years, further reform its organization and operation to gain more achievements in national renewal, industrialization, modernization, and transit to socialism, and bring wealth, freedom, and happiness to the people and glory to the nation.

