Global challenges to eliminate racial discrimination

Global challenges to eliminate racial discrimination

(VOVWORLD) - March 21 is observed by the United Nations as “International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination”. Amidst increasing international conflicts, economic instability, climate crisis, and the technology boom,...
Vietnam Consumer Rights Day 2024 observed

Vietnam Consumer Rights Day 2024 observed

(VOVWORLD) - The Ministry of Industry and Trade on Friday hosted a ceremony to launch activities in response to Vietnam Consumer Rights Day on March 15, with the theme “Transparent information,...
Women’s role grows worldwide

Women’s role grows worldwide

(VOVWORLD) - Since the UN designated March 8as International Women's Day in 1975, the important role of women has been affirmed in all political, economic, and social fields. However, women...
Go Cong – popular altar cabinet making village

Go Cong – popular altar cabinet making village

(VOVWORLD) -Worshipping ancestors plays a special role in the spiritual life of Vietnamese people. The worship space is a sacred area and the family altar demonstrates solemnity and respect to one...
Colorful world of Qinqiang opera

Colorful world of Qinqiang opera

(VOVWORLD) - In China, there is a saying that "If you want to see China over the past 100 years, go to Shanghai. If you want to see China over the past 1000 years, go to Beijing. But if...
Soil and water – Asia-Pacific’s bread and butter

Soil and water – Asia-Pacific’s bread and butter

(VOVWORLD) - In December 2013, the UN General Assembly designated December 5, 2014 as the first official World Soil Day as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management...
Vietnam Cultural Heritage Day celebrated

Vietnam Cultural Heritage Day celebrated

(VOVWORLD) - Events are taking place across the country to commemorate Vietnam Cultural Heritage Day on November 23, showcasing the rich tapestry of Vietnamese culture to locals and foreign tourists