Long An exports durian via official channels

Long An exports durian via official channels

(VOVWORLD) - To produce durian qualified for export to potential markets, the agricultural sector and farmers in Long An province have been setting codes for growing areas, quality standards, and regulations on...
Circular economy promoted in Vietnam

Circular economy promoted in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - A circular economy is an economic model in which all activities from design to production to service are directed towards the reuse of materials and the elimination of negative impacts...
Tensions grow between Russia and the West

Tensions grow between Russia and the West

(VOVWORLD) - The Ukraine crisis has escalated tensions between Russia and the West, which has imposed many new sanctions on Moscow. The latest sanctions are in response to the reported murder of civilians by...
NATO is ready for more talks with Russia

NATO is ready for more talks with Russia

(VOVWORLD) - There are significant differences between the NATO allies and Russia on the issue of Ukraine, which will not be easy to bridge, but NATO is ready to meet again with...