Da Nang airport’s 32 ha of land detoxified

Da Nang airport’s 32 ha of land detoxified

(VOVWORLD) - The governments of the US and Vietnam have seen fruitful cooperation in addressing Vietnam’s dioxin contaminated land, according to a seminar held in Da Nang on Tuesday to...
Russia, Turkey to discuss Syria

Russia, Turkey to discuss Syria

(VOVWORLD) - The Kremlin said in a statement Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss Syrian issues with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi, Russia on Monday
Vietnam vows to erase poverty

Vietnam vows to erase poverty

(VOVWORLD) - Poverty reduction and hunger eradication has always been one of Vietnam’s top priorities, Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung told the 1st meeting of the National Steering Committee for the...
Oceans are under threat

Oceans are under threat

(VOVWORLD) - June 8th is World Ocean Day. Covering two thirds of the earth surface, seas and oceans are huge reserves of biological resources, energy and materials which can replace drying resources on...
Polio vaccine for African children

Polio vaccine for African children

(VOVworld) – The World Health Organisation launched a program last week to vaccinate 116 million children across west and central Africa in a drive to eradicate polio in Africa
US vows to eradicate ISIS in Iraq

US vows to eradicate ISIS in Iraq

(VOVworld) – US President Donald Trump vowed to eradicate "radical Islamic terrorism" during talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in Washington on Monday
Building a righteous, enabling government in 2017

Building a righteous, enabling government in 2017

(VOVworld)- In 2017, the Vietnamese government continues to promote start-ups and building a righteous, enabling government towards the motto “Strengthening disciplines, upholding responsibility, promoting innovation, and ensuring rapid, sustainable...
Community communications to eradicate HIV/AIDS

Community communications to eradicate HIV/AIDS

(VOVworld)- Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam reiterated the government priority to control HIV/AIDS in a meeting aimed at improving cooperation between social organizations and partners
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A: Thank you. We hope that you can come to Vietnam and visit Phu Quoc sometimes. Phu Quoc island is a popular tourist destination in summer. It has the most beautiful...