UN agencies praise EU's migration deal

UN agencies praise EU's migration deal

(VOVWORLD) - UN humanitarian agencies on Friday broadly welcomed a freshly-inked deal on migration by European Union leaders which calls for more Member States to take responsibility within their borders for...
EU divided by migration issues

EU divided by migration issues

(VOVWORLD) - As the EU Summit approaches, member countries are seeking consensus on many issues. High on the agenda is migration, which has caused division within the EU, heightened by...
Germany seeks solutions to refugees issue

Germany seeks solutions to refugees issue

(VOVWORLD) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte have agreed on the need to beef up Frontex and the EU's external border police
Anti-racism rally in Italian city

Anti-racism rally in Italian city

(VOVWORLD) - Tens of thousands of people marched in an anti-racism rally in the city of Macerata on Saturday, a week after a gun attack which injured 6 African citizens
Tax cut debate complicates German coalition talks

Tax cut debate complicates German coalition talks

(VOVWORLD) -Germany’s Bavarian conservatives are pressing for corporate tax cuts and cuts to welfare payments for asylum seekers, which could complicate talks with the Social Democrats (SPD) on forming...
1-year rule of President Donald Trump

1-year rule of President Donald Trump

(VOVWORLD) -December 18, 2016 was a historic day in US history, when Donald Trump became the 45th US President. Over the past year he has made important decisions affecting Americans...
Europe divided over migrant quota

Europe divided over migrant quota

(VOVWORLD) - The European Court of Justice has rejected a complaint by Hungary and Slovakia to a migrant relocation plan between EU countries. The court said the scheme seeks to help Greece...
EU starts returning refugees to Greece

EU starts returning refugees to Greece

(VOVWORLD) - European Union countries on Tuesday began sending migrants who arrived over the last 5 months via Greece back to Greece to have their asylum applications assessed
Sweden arrests 2nd suspect in attack

Sweden arrests 2nd suspect in attack

(VOVworld) - Swedish police have arrested a second person in connection with a truck attack in Stockholm last Friday which killed 4 people and wounded 15. The same day, the Swedish police questioned...