Hanbok, the traditional costume of Koreans

Hanbok, the traditional costume of Koreans

(VOVworld) - The Koreans love their traditional costume Hanbok just as the Vietnamese love Ao Dai. Hanbok appears at weddings, funerals, folk festivals, special anniversaries and many other Korean events. The term Hanbok means "Korean clothing". One...
Poland implements EU’s migrant quota

Poland implements EU’s migrant quota

(VOVworld) – Poland’s Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said Poland's new conservative government will stick to its predecessor's commitment to take in about 7,000 migrants despite the objections...
Thailand arrests two leaders of Red Shirt movement

Thailand arrests two leaders of Red Shirt movement

(VOVworld) - Two prominent leaders of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship – a political wing of the Red Shirt movement in Thailand – were detained on Monday as they were heading to...
Thai PM accuses Red Shirts of unrest scheme

Thai PM accuses Red Shirts of unrest scheme

(VOVworld) – On Friday, Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on accused the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) - the political wing of the “Red Shirts” of being behind...
Month for the Poor launched

Month for the Poor launched

(VOVworld) – The Party and State have always attached great importance to sustainable poverty reduction which is considered a foundation for ensuring national political stability, defense, and socio-economic development
European countries tighten refugee control

European countries tighten refugee control

(VOVworld) – At an emergency meeting in Brussels on Monday, the EU Interior Ministers agreed to draft a list of “safe countries,” where refugees won’t be able to apply for...
Romania rejects EU immigrant quota

Romania rejects EU immigrant quota

(VOVworld) – Romania is opposed an EC plan to share out migrants and refugees among EU members under a mandatory quota scheme. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis