Keng loóng, traditional dance of Thai people

Keng loóng, traditional dance of Thai people

(VOVWORLD) - Keng loóng dancing is an indispensable part of the lives and festive events of Thai ethnic people in Mai Chau district, Hoa Binh province. When Thai villages conduct community tourism...
Dien Bien prepares for National Tourism Year 2024

Dien Bien prepares for National Tourism Year 2024

(VOVWORLD) - Dien Bien province will mark National Tourism Year-Dien Bien 2024 with 170 programs and events at the national and provincial level. 33 cities and provinces are expected to participate...
PM meets leaders of Japanese National Diet

PM meets leaders of Japanese National Diet

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh held separate meetings with President of the House of Councillors of Japan Otsuji Hidehisa and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nukaga Fukushiro, as...
Hanoi bolsters night-time economy

Hanoi bolsters night-time economy

(VOVWORLD) -By the end of November, Hanoi received 22.6 million visitors, up 32% from last year, earning 3.46 billion USD, up 58.4%. To continue attracting tourists, the...
PM asks for all-out-effort to achieve targets of 2023

PM asks for all-out-effort to achieve targets of 2023

(VOVWORLD) - Despite difficulties and challenges in the international context, Vietnam has gained multiple socio-economic development results with a stable macroeconomy, inflation under control, economic growth recorded in all fields, people's...