Russia to keep airbase in Syria

Russia to keep airbase in Syria

(VOVworld) – Russia and Syria agreed on Monday that the Russian airbase in Hemeimeem in Syria's coastal province of Latakia and its naval facility in the Syrian port of Tartous...
Israeli jets strike Gaza

Israeli jets strike Gaza

(VOVworld) – Jets of the Israeli Defense Forces struck the northern Gaza Strip early Saturday morning in response to rocket fires from Palestine a day earlier
Russia-Turkey relationship becomes tense

Russia-Turkey relationship becomes tense

(VOVworld)- The relationship between Russia and Turkey has been tense since Turkey shot down a Russian Su 24 fighter. Tensions increased further on Friday when Ankara said another Russian Su...
Turkey hopes to resume relations with Russia

Turkey hopes to resume relations with Russia

(VOVworld) – In an interview with TV channel Al Arabiya on Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey wants to resume bilateral ties with Russia in a diplomatic manner and...
Decoding of Russian jet’s black box fails

Decoding of Russian jet’s black box fails

(VOVworld) - Decoding of the black box from the Russian Su-24 fighter jet downed by Turkey is impossible with the currently available means, due to severe damage to the internal...