Wednesday June 7, 2023

Wednesday June 7, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - We’d like to welcome to VOV Mr. Alvarez Thomas of Argentina who reported listening to our program from 11:30 to 12:00 UTC on May 31 on the frequency...
Wednesday May 24, 2023

Wednesday May 24, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - We’re very moved to have received a lot of congratulatory messages for the Vietnamese sports delegation’s victory at the 32nd SEA Games in Cambodia
Emotional voyage to Truong Sa archipelago

Emotional voyage to Truong Sa archipelago

(VOVWORLD) - Sea and islands are sacred territory of the Vietnamese nation. The Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago has always been a place that everyone wants to visit. In late April, a delegation departed from Ho...
Quang Nam holds traditional boat race

Quang Nam holds traditional boat race

(VOVWORLD) -Quang Nam province held the 26th "Traditional Quang Nam Radio-Television Station boat race " on Cho river, Nui Thanh district, on Wednesday
Wednesday April 12, 2023

Wednesday April 12, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - This week we’ve got a letter from Gunnar Green of Sweden, who first wrote to VOV in 1969. In his latest letter he enclosed a copy of a VOV...