Structure of traditional Viet village

Structure of traditional Viet village

(VOVworld) – The traditional Viet village is associated with a river dyke, a village gate, banyan trees, a water well, orchards, and fish ponds. This structure fits Viet rice farming...
Visiting Ghenh temple

Visiting Ghenh temple

(VOVworld) – Vietnamese people traditionally visit pagodas in the first days of the year to pray for a lucky new year. Ghenh temple is a popular choice for Hanoians at the...
Tour of northeastern region

Tour of northeastern region

(VOVworld)- Vietnam’s northeastern region has always inspired travelers because of its beautiful landscapes, famous historical relics and the unique culture of different ethnic minorities. Discovery Vietnam today takes you...
Guardian of Vietnamese water puppetry

Guardian of Vietnamese water puppetry

(VOVworld)- Water puppetry is a unique art that originated in Vietnam’s wet rice civilization. Along with traditional theaters like Tuong and Cheo, water puppetry has raised its role on the...
China launches Yaogan Weixing 16 satellite

China launches Yaogan Weixing 16 satellite

A Chinese rocket called Long March 4C on Sunday successfully launched Yaogan Weixing 16 satellite into orbit from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Gansu Province, the Xinhua news agency reported
Syria crisis spreading

Syria crisis spreading

The Syrian army fired warning shots at the Golan Heights on Sunday. A shell hit a military post of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) near the Israel- Syria border
Nghệ Tĩnh’s folk singing

Nghệ Tĩnh’s folk singing

(VOVworld) - Each region in Vietnam has its own typical folk songs. The land of Hồng Lam in Central Vietnam with its mountains and rivers, picturesque beauty, and brave, hardworking...
Communal wells

Communal wells

(VOV) - Only a few wells are seen in rural villages but they remain unique in terms of cultural value like banyan trees and communal yards. They have been built with bricks...
Ha Nam - cradle of many cultural values

Ha Nam - cradle of many cultural values

(VOVwolrd) - Located in the Red River Delta, Ha Nam province is home to a number of ancient cultures like the Dong Son and the Lieu Doi cultures which still exist today. It can boast of many...
Đường Lâm Ancient Village - Son Tay Hanoi

Đường Lâm Ancient Village - Son Tay Hanoi

(VOVworld) - Located in Sơn Tây Town, 40 km to the west of Hanoi, Đường Lâm village is a very popular tourist destination at the weekends. The village attracts visitors because of...
Clashes erupt again in Libya

Clashes erupt again in Libya

Rival Libyan militias clashed south of Tripoli, raising fresh security concerns with the war-torn North African country