What You Need to Know About Armenian Wine

What You Need to Know About Armenian Wine

(VOVWORLD) - Nestled in the Caucasus Mountains and surrounded by neighbours Georgia, Iran, Turkey, and Azerbaijan, Armenia is famous for wine production. Ani Mouradian, a wine expert from Armenia, shares with...
Interesting facts about Albania

Interesting facts about Albania

(VOVWORLD) - In addition to its Mediterranean climate, golden beaches, mountainous landscapes, and interesting history, Albania also boasts delicious local cuisine, friendly people, and has much more to offer. On today’s Cultural Rendezvous...
What will await new non-permanent UNSC members?

What will await new non-permanent UNSC members?

(VOVWORLD) - The UN General Assembly last week elected 5 non-permanent members to the UN Security Council for the 2021-2022 term. The new term won’t begin until next year, but the Council and its...
Tension between two Koreas on the rise

Tension between two Koreas on the rise

(VOVWORLD) - Relations between the two Koreas became strained last week after North Korea cut off all communication channels with South Korea to protest a campaign to float anti-Pyongyang leaflets...
An insight into French wine

An insight into French wine

(VOVWORLD) - Like baguette and cheese, wine is a major part of both French culture and of the image France has around the world. When you picture a French person in your...
Spotted dick

Spotted dick

(VOVWORLD) - In today’s edition, we’ll introduce a traditional British sponge pudding called “Spotted Dick”. The dessert is really easy to make at home, and if you’ve never had...
South Korea says Kim Jong Un works normally

South Korea says Kim Jong Un works normally

(VOVWORLD) - North Korean state media reports indicate that leader Kim Jong Un is handling state affairs as usual, South Korean Unification Minister Kim Yeon Chul said Tuesday