EU: Blockade of Cuba is not a solution

EU: Blockade of Cuba is not a solution

(VOVWORLD) - Blockading Cuba is not the solution, EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Wednesday on a 2-day trip aimed to strengthen ties with Havana
Suicide bomb kills dozens in Syria

Suicide bomb kills dozens in Syria

(VOVWORLD) - ISIS suicide attackers have killed dozens of people with 3 car bombs in northeastern Syria. At least 50 people are dead and many more wounded
Prime Minister lauds Japanese investment in Vietnam

Prime Minister lauds Japanese investment in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc praised Japanese businesses’ investment and contributions to socio-economic development in Vietnam at a reception on Wednesday in Hanoi for Kanji Hayama, former...
US expels 15 Cuban diplomats

US expels 15 Cuban diplomats

(VOVWORLD) - The Trump administration on Tuesday expelled 15 Cuban diplomats from Washington after a string of health incidents affected 22 US diplomats in Havana
Vietnam, Cuba pledge to strengthen legislative ties

Vietnam, Cuba pledge to strengthen legislative ties

(VOVworld)- Chairman of Cuban National Assembly (NA) Esteban Lazo Hernandez has praised the special friendship and traditional unity between Vietnam and Cuba during his reception of Vice Chairwoman of the...
Rugby – the pride of New Zealand

Rugby – the pride of New Zealand

(VOVworld) – If football players around the world sing their national anthem before a match, rugby players in New Zealand perform the Haka, their traditional war dance. Rugby and Haka have become the...
First US commercial flight lands in Cuba

First US commercial flight lands in Cuba

(VOVworld) - The first US commercial flight to Cuba's capital since 1961 landed in Havana on Tuesday. The American Airlines flight departed from Miami, Florida and the next flight is scheduled to...
Cuba say farewell to Fidel Castro

Cuba say farewell to Fidel Castro

(VOVworld) – The firing of a 21-gun salute will start a national tribute to the late Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on Monday at the Jose Marti Memorial in Havana