Vietnam’s economy grows steadily: WB

Vietnam’s economy grows steadily: WB

(VOVWORLD) - The World Bank (WB) on Tuesday released a report reviewing Vietnam’s economic development and touching upon medium-term prospects and challenges the country is facing
The Pa Then’s “Cap sac” ritual

The Pa Then’s “Cap sac” ritual

(VOVWORLD) - The Pa Then ethnic group has about 6,000 people living in several districts of Ha Giang province. They observe many traditional festivals and ceremonies each year, including the Lunar New Year...
Dien Bien Phu victory in foreign press

Dien Bien Phu victory in foreign press

(VOVWORLD) - Today marks the 64th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory, Vietnam’s biggest victory in the resistance war from 1945 to 1954. It forced the French colonialists to sign the Geneva Agreement...
Syria faces new instability

Syria faces new instability

(VOVWORLD) -Despite the defeat of the Islamic State, Syria has been bogged down in troubles. Syria made headlines in recent days when an alleged chemical attack killed dozens of people...
Setback in Russia-UK relations

Setback in Russia-UK relations

(VOVWORLD) - Tension between Russia and the UK has, over the past few days, made headlines. The UK has announced it will expel 23 Russian diplomats and freeze diplomatic relations with Russia...
US President pays state visit to Vietnam

US President pays state visit to Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) -US President Donald Trump begins a 2-day state visit to Vietnam on Saturday, where he attend the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting. His visit demonstrates the US‘s commitment...
Activities mark 70th National Resistance Day

Activities mark 70th National Resistance Day

(VOVworld) - The 70th anniversary of National Resistance Day on December 19 made the headlines of major Vietnamese newspapers on Monday. An editorial in the People newspaper said lessons drawn from the National Resistance...