Hunting terrorists behind Paris attacks

Hunting terrorists behind Paris attacks

(VOVworld) – Countries are collaborating in the hunt for individuals behind the terrorist attacks in Paris and airstrikes targeting the Islamic State have been intensified in Iraq and Syria
 Visas waived for Vietnamese expatriates

Visas waived for Vietnamese expatriates

(VOVworld) - Vietnamese expatriates and their spouses and children can now enter Vietnam without a visa according to a decree recently issued by the government
India, Bangladesh resolve territorial issues

India, Bangladesh resolve territorial issues

(VOVworld) - India and Bangladesh on Saturday celebrated the swapping of 162 pieces of land along their borders. The agreement to swap land lots of one country’s sovereignty located...
US-China relationship has differences

US-China relationship has differences

(VOVworld)- The US-Chinese relationship has suffered from recent disputes in the East Sea. With China conducting activities intended to change the status of islands in the East Sea, Washington...
Last MH17 crash remains arrive in Netherlands

Last MH17 crash remains arrive in Netherlands

(VOVworld) - The remains of Dutch victims of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 plane which went down last year in eastern Ukraine killing 298 people on board has arrived in the Netherlands
 Black box recovered from Alpine crash

Black box recovered from Alpine crash

(VOVworld) - Photos of the black box recovered from the Germanwings Airbus crash site show it has been badly damaged, but experts said they hoped to recover 'usable data' from the...