Productivity improved to narrow development gap

Productivity improved to narrow development gap

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh had a meeting with ministries and sectors last weekend to discuss ways to improve Vietnam's labor productivity. The Prime Minister emphasized that improving labor productivity...
Hue Festival 2024 features four-season theme

Hue Festival 2024 features four-season theme

(VOVWORLD) -This year's Hue Festival follows a four-season orientation. The "Spring of the Ancient Capital" takes place from January to March; The "Summer Shining Capital" from April to June; "Hue in Autumn...
Vietnam steps up cooperation with OECD

Vietnam steps up cooperation with OECD

(VOVWORLD) - Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son has suggested the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) coordinate with Vietnam to implement their cooperation focuses