Japan urges Iran to return to nuclear negotiations

Japan urges Iran to return to nuclear negotiations

(VOVWORLD) - Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi on Sunday urged Iran to return to negotiations with Western powers on the 2015 nuclear dealduring his first meeting with new Iranian President EbrahimRaisi...
Iran nuclear talks could resume in September

Iran nuclear talks could resume in September

(VOVWORLD) - Iran is ready to resume talks reviving the nuclear deal with world powers under new president Ebrahim Raisi, and meetings could take place in Vienna from early September, a...
Iran will not give nuclear site images to IAEA

Iran will not give nuclear site images to IAEA

(VOVWORLD) - Tehran will not hand over images from inside its nuclear sites to the UN nuclear watchdog IAEA because a monitoring agreement with the agency has expired, Mohammad-Bagher Ghalibaf,...
Iran nuclear deal drew closer

Iran nuclear deal drew closer

(VOVWORLD) - Talks between Iran and 6 world powers on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal have come closer than ever to an agreement, top Iranian negotiator Abbas Araqchi said Sunday
Iran presidential election: Ebrahim Raisi wins

Iran presidential election: Ebrahim Raisi wins

(VOVWORLD) - Ebrahim Raisi, the hardline head of Iran’s judiciary, has won the country’s presidential election after preliminary results showed that he secured 62 % of the votes, much more...