Japanese Foreign Minister visits Middle East

Japanese Foreign Minister visits Middle East

(VOVWORLD) - Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono visited Israel on Monday, the first destination in his trip to the Middle East following US President Donald Trump’s controversial decision to...
1-year rule of President Donald Trump

1-year rule of President Donald Trump

(VOVWORLD) -December 18, 2016 was a historic day in US history, when Donald Trump became the 45th US President. Over the past year he has made important decisions affecting Americans...
UN calls on US to rescind Jerusalem decision

UN calls on US to rescind Jerusalem decision

(VOVWORLD) - The UN General Assembly (UNGA) overwhelmingly voted in favor of a resolution calling on the US to reverse its decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
Turkey to open embassy in East Jerusalem

Turkey to open embassy in East Jerusalem

(VOVWORLD) -Turkey will open an embassy in East Jerusalem, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday, days after leading calls at a summit of Muslim leaders for the world to recognize...
EU unveils new defense cooperation

EU unveils new defense cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - The European Union on Thursday launched the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) to promote Europe’s military projects and enhance the bloc’s defense capability
Tension flares up around Jerusalem

Tension flares up around Jerusalem

(VOVWORLD) -US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has caused a backlash in the Arab and Muslim community. Demonstrations in many Muslim countries have pushed...
Macron asks Netanyahu to break peace deadlock

Macron asks Netanyahu to break peace deadlock

(VOVWORLD) -French President Emmanuel Macron told Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday that he needs to make gestures to the Palestinians to break the current impasse