EU summit on Greece set for Sunday

EU summit on Greece set for Sunday

(VOVworld) – EU leaders will meet in Brussels on Sunday for a summit that could sign off on a new bailout deal for Greece, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said on...
EU summit discusses regional issues

EU summit discusses regional issues

(VOVworld)- 27 European Union leaders gathered in Brussels on Thursday to discuss issues that have split the bloc over the past few months. High on the agenda will be Greece’s debt...
G7 summit opens in Germany

G7 summit opens in Germany

(VOVworld) – Leaders of the world’s seven leading industrial powers (the G7) convened in Germany on Sunday to discuss economics, trade, and security and foreign policy
EU-Ukraine summit in Kiev

EU-Ukraine summit in Kiev

(VOVworld) – The EU-Ukraine summit took place in Kiev on Monday at the presence of President Petro Poroshenko, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, and European Council President Donald Tusk
Escalating tension in Russia-EU relations

Escalating tension in Russia-EU relations

(VOVworld) – While Russia and the West seek a solution to the Ukrainian crisis, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has called for the creation of an EU army, igniting...
Russia criticizes the creation of EU army

Russia criticizes the creation of EU army

(VOVworld) – The EU’s common armed forces, if they are ever created, may play a provocative role, Frants Klintsevich, first deputy chairman of the United Russia faction in the State Duma...
EU reaches deal on 2015 budget

EU reaches deal on 2015 budget

(VOVworld) - EU members and the European parliament have reached a deal on a new 2015 budget after bridging gaps that threatened to scupper a deal
EU’s ambitious investment plan

EU’s ambitious investment plan

(VOVworld) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has presented the European Parliament in Strasbourg with a 315-billion-euro investment plan which aims to kick start the EU's economy
56% of Britons want to stay in EU

56% of Britons want to stay in EU

(VOVworld) – A new poll from Ipsos MORI shows that 56% of Britons would vote to stay in the European Union, compared with 36% who would choose to leave if a...
EP approves new EC members

EP approves new EC members

(VOVworld) – The European Parliament voted Wednesday for a new European Commission, headed by former Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, with 423 in favour, 209 against, and 67 abstentions
Jean-Claude Junker elected head of EC

Jean-Claude Junker elected head of EC

(VOVworld) – The European Parliament has approved former Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Junker to be President of the European Commission for the 2014-2019 term