Russian TU-154 plane crash: new assumption

Russian TU-154 plane crash: new assumption

(VOVworld) - The flight recorder from the Russian Tu-154 military plane which crashed into the Black Sea shortly after take-off on Sunday has been sent to Moscow for decryption
Russia suspends flights to Egypt

Russia suspends flights to Egypt

(VOVworld) – Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Sunday temporarily prohibiting Russian airlines from flying to Egypt
 Syrian chemical weapon to be disposed abroad

Syrian chemical weapon to be disposed abroad

(VOVworld)- In a meeting with Sigrid Kaag, leader of the joint Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons mission in Syria, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Riabkov said that Syrian...
US denies a last chance for Iran

US denies a last chance for Iran

(VOVworld) – The US government on Thursday denied a report that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had asked Russia to send a warning to Iran