Veteran army doctor composes patriotic folk songs

Veteran army doctor composes patriotic folk songs

(VOVWORLD) - Colonel-Doctor Ly Viet Hung has earned a place in the heart of Vietnamese folk music lovers, especially those in the southwestern region, with his many songs about Vietnamese soldiers and...
Wednesday March 04, 2020

Wednesday March 04, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - First of all we’d like to inform you of our new email address. From now on we will use the email address Our old email address...
Hanoi tourism rallies amid Covid-19 impact

Hanoi tourism rallies amid Covid-19 impact

(VOVWORLD) - The number of Chinese tourists in Hanoi has sharply declined given the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak, but Vietnam’s capital city has seen a recovery from the European market and the steady growth of arrivals...