To Hoai, a great Vietnamese writer

To Hoai, a great Vietnamese writer

(VOVworld) – To Hoai was one of Vietnam’s greatest writers in the 20th century, particularly during the 1930-1945 period. One of his most famous works is “The Adventures of a Cricket”...
Writing contest on the 1975 Victory launched

Writing contest on the 1975 Victory launched

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam War Veterans Association has launched a writing contest about Vietnam’s victory in the anti-US war in 1975 and patriotism in the current spirit of national...
Classroom named after Ho Chi Minh opens in Moscow

Classroom named after Ho Chi Minh opens in Moscow

(VOVworld) – A classroom named after President Ho Chi Minh has made its debut at the Labor and Social Relations Institute in Moscow where exhibits of photos, magazines, newspapers, and videos about President...
The world praises General Vo Nguyen Giap

The world praises General Vo Nguyen Giap

(VOVworld) – General Vo Nguyen Giap, a talented general of Vietnam, is also a world renowned general and respected by his adversaries. Many foreign scholars have appreciated his outstanding military capacity...
United power makes victory

United power makes victory

(VOVworld) - In late 1972, Vietnam and the US reached a treaty to end the war and restore peace in Vietnam. However, the US broke the agreement and sent B52 bombers to blitz Hanoi and...