Indonesian ambassador finishes mission in Vietnam

Indonesian ambassador finishes mission in Vietnam

(VOVworld) – Public Security Minister Tran Dai Quang received outgoing Indonesian ambassador Mayerfas on Tuesday. Minister Quang expressed delight at the steady development of relations between the two countries in recent years...
An ASEAN Community of the people

An ASEAN Community of the people

(VOVworld) – The primary goal of establishing ASEAN was eventually to form an ASEAN Community. The roadmap to an ASEAN Community has reached its final stage with a high degree of commitment...
Connecting people in the ASEAN Community

Connecting people in the ASEAN Community

(VOVworld) – An ASEAN Community with a unified economy, an open market, and cultural diversity will be established by the end of this year. Success will only be achieved with people’s consensus...
Vietnamese Tet of reunions

Vietnamese Tet of reunions

(VOVworld) – Vietnamese people are living in a cheery atmosphere during the spring. Foreigners, including Ambassadors who are living away from their families, share their warm feelings with their Vietnamese friends during...
VOV promotes cooperation with RRI

VOV promotes cooperation with RRI

(VOVworld) – Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) and Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) signed a cooperative agreement at the National Radio Broadcasting Center in Hanoi on Monday