Palestine, Israel resume talks

Palestine, Israel resume talks

(VOVworld) - Israeli chief negotiator and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, her Palestinian counterpart Saeb Erekat, and US mediator Martin Indyk concluded their latest round of talks on Thursday in Jerusalem
UN calls for Israel and Palestine to refrain

UN calls for Israel and Palestine to refrain

(VOVworld) – The UN and international mediators have called for Israel and Palestine to refrain against escalating tensions which are threatening the Middle East peace process
Political crisis in Egypt deadlocked

Political crisis in Egypt deadlocked

(VOVworld)- The political crisis in Egypt escalated on Wednesday. August 14th was the bloodiest day in Egypt so far with 525 deaths deaths and thousands of people injured
Israel, Palestine accept new mediator

Israel, Palestine accept new mediator

(VOVworld) – Israel and Palestine have accepted former US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk as mediator in upcoming peace negotiations in Washington. Indyk is Vice President and Director for Foreign Policy...
NA discusses several crucial bills

NA discusses several crucial bills

(VOVworld) – The National Assembly’s deputies continued to discuss the revised laws on Personal Income Tax and Local Mediation. Voters concern over reduction in Personal Income Tax and exemptions for...
ASEAN near consensus on East Sea

ASEAN near consensus on East Sea

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said on Thursday that the ASEAN nations are on the verge of adopting a statement of unity on current East Sea disputes. He said despite contrary opinions...
Mali’s new president sworn in

Mali’s new president sworn in

Mali's new interim president took office Thursday, taking over power from military men who staged a military coup on March 22nd