Party official visits Mozambique

Party official visits Mozambique

(VOVworld) - A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) led by Nguyen Van Binh, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission, concluded their four-day visit to...
Mozambique, Vietnam increase legislative ties

Mozambique, Vietnam increase legislative ties

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam National Assembly (NA) is keen to work with Mozambique’s Assembly to elevate their legislative ties to match the fruitful political ties between the two countries
Mozambique, Vietnam seek to boost bilateral ties

Mozambique, Vietnam seek to boost bilateral ties

(VOVworld)- Mozambican Prime Minister Carlos Agostinho do Rosário and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai have agreed to strengthen ties between the two countries through increasing delegation exchanges and high...
Mozambique, Vietnam seek to boost bilateral ties

Mozambique, Vietnam seek to boost bilateral ties

(VOVworld) - Mozambican Prime Minister Carlos Agostinho do Rosário and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai have agreed to strengthen ties between the two countries through increasing delegate exchanges and high...
Mozambique pledges to protect Vietnam's investment

Mozambique pledges to protect Vietnam's investment

(VOVworld) – Mozambique has pledged to ensure safety for Viettel’s investment and the security of Vietnamese community there, said Mozambican Minister of Home Affairs Jaime Monteiro at a meeting with...
Mozambique, Vietnam enhance defence cooperation

Mozambique, Vietnam enhance defence cooperation

(VOVworld) - A senior delegation from the Vietnam Defense Academy led by Director Senior Lieutenant General Vo Tien Trung paid a working visit to the Republic of Mozambique from Tuesday to...
Japan provides ODA to Mozambique

Japan provides ODA to Mozambique

(VOVworld) – Japan will provide 670 million USD of Official Development Assistance for Mozambique’s traffic infrastructure development project over the next 5 years