Donald Trump criticizes EU’s refugee policy

Donald Trump criticizes EU’s refugee policy

(VOVworld) – Relations between the EU and US President-elect Donald Trump have turned sour following his criticism of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open refugee policy as a “catastrophic mistake”
EU reaffirms support for Iran’s nuclear deal

EU reaffirms support for Iran’s nuclear deal

(VOVworld) – The EU will stand by the historic nuclear accord reached between Iran and the P5+1 despite blunt condemnation by US President-elect Donald Trump, said Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative...
NATO deploys 200 soldiers to Afghanistan

NATO deploys 200 soldiers to Afghanistan

(VOVworld) - Around 200 NATO soldiers, mainly Italians, have been deployed to Afghanistan's volatile western province of Farah, after attempts by Taliban fighters in recent months to overrun its capital...
At least 39 killed in Istanbul nightclub attack

At least 39 killed in Istanbul nightclub attack

(VOVworld) – At least 39 people were killed and 40 others injured in an attack on Reina nightclub in Istanbul, Turkey, during New Year's Eve celebrations, said Istanbul governor Vasip Sahin...
Russia, NATO talk to improve relations

Russia, NATO talk to improve relations

(VOVworld) – NATO and Russia held talks in Brussels, Belgium, on Monday to discuss ways to improve their relationship and resolve solutions to the Ukraine crisis
NATO rules out interference into Syrian war

NATO rules out interference into Syrian war

(VOVworld) – NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has defended the alliance’s decision to refrain from involvement in the war in Syria, saying that doing so would only make matters worse
Europe is likely to have its own army

Europe is likely to have its own army

(VOVworld)-Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election last week has prompted some European leaders to revitalize the idea of forming a common army
NATO says no direct threats from Russia

NATO says no direct threats from Russia

(VOVworld) – NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told Germany’s Deutsche Welle newspaper on Friday that NATO doesn’t see any imminent threat from Russia against any NATO ally