Vietnam applies IT to fighting COVID-19

Vietnam applies IT to fighting COVID-19

(VOVWORLD) - The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all aspects of life and also revealing shortcomings in the traditional methods of socio-economic management. During the pandemic, the application of information technology has helped...
Wednesday December 1, 2021

Wednesday December 1, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - First on our show today, we’d like to welcome VOV Mr. John Jurasek of the US. In his very first correspondence to VOV, he sent us a reception report for...
Russia carefully prepares for summit with the US

Russia carefully prepares for summit with the US

(VOVWORLD) -Russia's Foreign Ministry said Sunday that it is carefully preparing for the summit between President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told news...
Live music from kids to kids

Live music from kids to kids

(VOVWORLD) - Physical distancing is a responsible way to protect ourselves and others during the COVID pandemic, but it can be hard on young children who should be exploring the world around them and connecting with their...
Hanoi launches first safe tour in new normal

Hanoi launches first safe tour in new normal

(VOVWORLD) - The “French architecture in the heart of Hanoi” walking tour was launched by the Vietnam National Museum of History and Hanoitourist Corporation last month. Tours will be conducted every...
Hanoi launches first safety tour in new normal

Hanoi launches first safety tour in new normal

(VOVWORLD) - A safety tour with a combination of automatic audio guides and traditional sightseeing was launched on Saturday at the Vietnam National Museum of History. The event was organised by the museum in...
Localities adapt to pandemic to restore production

Localities adapt to pandemic to restore production

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is gradually reopening its economy while adapting to the “new normal” following the Government’s Resolution 128 on safe, flexible adaptation to, and effective containment of, the COVID-19...
Applying technology to COVID-19 fight

Applying technology to COVID-19 fight

(VOVWORLD) - A number of mobile apps to manage health declarations, QR codes, and proof of vaccination have been introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Prime Minister has asked the...