Wednesday June 5, 2024

Wednesday June 5, 2024

(VOVWORLD) - This week, VOVWorld received more than 400 emails, letters and phone calls from listeners in 33 countries and territories
Tailgate Party – A US Pre-Game Tradition

Tailgate Party – A US Pre-Game Tradition

(VOVWORLD) - There are several ways one can enjoy a sports game, such as wearing the T-shirt of your favorite team, chanting along with the crowds, or screaming your heart out whenever a goal is...
Maslenitsa, goodbye winter, hello spring!

Maslenitsa, goodbye winter, hello spring!

(VOVWORLD) - Maslenitsa is the brightest, funniest, and most entertaining holiday of Russia. It falls in the last week of March before the Great Lent in. It’s believed that Maslenitsa pre...
Wednesday March 20, 2024

Wednesday March 20, 2024

(VOVWORLD) - We’re excited to bring you the Letter Box every Wednesday. Reading letters, emails, and comments from our listeners is the most interesting part of our work. Last...
100 records of Hue royal court on display

100 records of Hue royal court on display

(VOVWORLD) - 100 records of the Royal Court of the Nguyen emperors plus documents and pictures related to the construction of the Hue Imperial City are on display at an outdoor...
Eye disease: early detection and treatment

Eye disease: early detection and treatment

(VOVWORLD) - Early eye check-ups can help detect eye problems at an early stage to protect eyesight and prevent vision loss. But for various reasons, people tend to visit a...