New rice ceremony of the M’nong Gar

New rice ceremony of the M’nong Gar

(VOVWORLD) - Performing a new rice ceremony is a very old custom among the ethnic groups who live in Vietnam’s Truong Son mountain range in the Central Highlands. The ceremony acknowledges the primary...
France strives for new deal with protestors

France strives for new deal with protestors

(VOVWORLD) - French President Emmanuel Macron initiated a national debate on Tuesday to collect public opinions to end chaotic days caused by yellow vest protesters. He believes that people’s...
Rights of persons with disabilities ensured

Rights of persons with disabilities ensured

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has nearly 8 million persons with disabilities, 7.8% of the population. Many incentive policies have been in place to ensure their rights and help them integrate into...
War veteran offers free classes for 20 years

War veteran offers free classes for 20 years

(VOVWORLD) - War veteran Nguyen Huu Thoi, also known as Mr. Ba Thoi, has been operating classes for poor children, free of charge, for 20 years. He is no stranger to the people in My Binh Ward, Long...
Vietnam works to get EC’s yellow card removed

Vietnam works to get EC’s yellow card removed

(VOVWORLD) - Last year, Vietnam earned 8.3 billion USD from seafood exports. But late last October, the European Commission (EC) imposed a yellow card warning on Vietnam’s seafood for failing to make progress...
Da Nang wins “National Green City” title

Da Nang wins “National Green City” title

(VOVWORLD) - Da Nang has won the 2018 “National Green City” title and will compete with 21 other cities around the world in the final round of the International Green City contest...
EU divided by migration issues

EU divided by migration issues

(VOVWORLD) - As the EU Summit approaches, member countries are seeking consensus on many issues. High on the agenda is migration, which has caused division within the EU, heightened by...