President Tran Dai Quang attends APEC Summit 2016

President Tran Dai Quang attends APEC Summit 2016

(VOVworld) – Peru’s President Pedro Paplo Kuczynsky hosted a welcome ceremony to heads of the 21 member economies to attend the 24th High-Level Week of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ...
Vietnam Peru high level talks

Vietnam Peru high level talks

(VOVworld) – President Tran Dai Quang and his Peruvian counterpart Paplo Kuczynsky have agreed to strengthen cooperation in all areas, especially in telecommunications, oil and gas. During their talks on Friday in...
Peruvian gastronomy introduced in Vietnam

Peruvian gastronomy introduced in Vietnam

(VOVworld) – A gastronomy week in Hanoi is aimed at introducing Peru’s culinary culture and beauties to local people through various activities such as a cuisine festival, a painting exhibition, a...
Vietnamese culture introduced in Peru

Vietnamese culture introduced in Peru

(VOVworld) – To mark the 195th National Day of Peru (1821-2016) and the 22nd anniversary of Vietnam-Peru diplomatic ties, Peru’s Embassy in Vietnam organized a series of activities...
COP 21 begins

COP 21 begins

(VOVworld) – The UN climate summit COP 21 opened in Paris Sunday. A minute of silence was observed for Paris terrorist attack victims
Peruvian cuisine week launched

Peruvian cuisine week launched

(VOVworld) - The Embassy of Peru in Vietnam will host a Peruvian Cuisine Week for the first time as part of a range of activities marking 21 years of Vietnam-Peru diplomatic ties...
Peru Film Beat kicks off in Vietnam

Peru Film Beat kicks off in Vietnam

(VOVworld)- The first Peruvian Film Week called "Peru Film Beat" kicked off in Hanoi on Friday as part of activities to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Vietnam-Peru diplomatic ties