Southeast Asia facing IS intrusion

Southeast Asia facing IS intrusion

(VOVworld) – Some Southeast Asian countries are facing the risk of becoming a base or target of the self-proclaimed Islamic State. After detecting several IS plots, Southeast Asian countries have...
Global tourism sector under terror threats

Global tourism sector under terror threats

(VOVworld)- A series of terror attacks in recent days has caused numerous deaths and devastated the tourism sector globally. Tourism sector revenues have fallen sharply in many countries, especially those...
South Sudan government commits to honor peace deal

South Sudan government commits to honor peace deal

(VOVworld) - James Pitia Morgan, South Sudan's permanent representative to the African Union, said Thursday that the South Sudanese government is committed to the peace agreement signed last August 2015...
Four arrested in Paris for terror plot

Four arrested in Paris for terror plot

(VOVworld) – Four suspected jihadists were arrested in Paris on Wednesday. Belgium is on high alert after a police raid in Brussels tied to the Paris massacre last November
Germany announces indefinite border checks

Germany announces indefinite border checks

(VOVWorld) – German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told German radio MDR info on Thursday that Germany will conduct border checks indefinitely to reduce the number of refugee entering the country
Vietnam’s contribution to the UN

Vietnam’s contribution to the UN

(VOVworld) – The UN will celebrate its 70th anniversary on October 24. From 51 original members, the UN has grown to 193 members and 2 observers, becoming the most influential organization in the...