Russia launches a gas pipeline to Asia

Russia launches a gas pipeline to Asia

(VOVworld) – Russian President Vladimir Putin attended a ceremony to launch the construction of its 1st gas pipeline to Asia called “Siberia’s strength”
Vietnam attends APEC meeting on ocean

Vietnam attends APEC meeting on ocean

(VOVworld) - Marine cooperation should contribute to meeting ASEAN common objectives of economic development and prosperity, peace and stability based on mutual benefit and respect, and adherence to international law and...
Boosting state-owned enterprise equitization

Boosting state-owned enterprise equitization

(VOVworld) – It has become an urgent task for Vietnam to boost the equitization process of state-owned enterprises (SOE), especially when Vietnam has, in recent years, participated in establishing ASEAN...
China promotes cooperation with India and South Africa

China promotes cooperation with India and South Africa

(VOVworld) – Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and South African President Jacob Zuma on the sideline of the 6th summit of the five emerging market nations, BRICS - Russia, India...
Iran to supply gas for Europe

Iran to supply gas for Europe

(VOVworld) - Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh says his country is ready to supply European countries with natural gas. He was quoted by Press TV on Saturday as saying that as a country...
New Year celebration of the Mong people

New Year celebration of the Mong people

(VOVworld) – The Mong people have many celebrations which are associated with agricultural production and aim to enhance clan and community relations. The New Year festival is one of their most important...
Improving social services for emigrant women

Improving social services for emigrant women

(VOVworld) - The Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) held a regional conference on boosting social services for migrant women on Monday...