Vietnam-France relations strengthened

Vietnam-France relations strengthened

(VOVWORLD) - Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong has asked the French Communist Party (PCF), with its role and prestige, to continue supporting the French administration to keep enhancing ties with Vietnam. Mr...
Israel rejects France’s peace initiative

Israel rejects France’s peace initiative

(VOVworld) – Israel has officially rejected France’s peace initiative to restart the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The Israeli Prime Minister’s office announced Thursday that the best way to resolve...
Israel, France discuss peace summit proposal

Israel, France discuss peace summit proposal

(VOVworld) - French ambassador to Israel Patrick Masionnaive met with the Israeli Foreign Ministry's political director Alon Ushpitz in Jerusalem on Tuesday to discuss a French initiative to hold a...
France reshuffles cabinet

France reshuffles cabinet

(VOVworld) – On Thursday French President Francois Hollande recalled his former Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault to head the foreign ministry
Japan lifts sanctions on Iran

Japan lifts sanctions on Iran

(VOVworld) – According to Reuters, Japan lifted sanctions on Iran Friday after the International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed last weekend that Tehran has taken steps to curb its nuclear program
Foreign Ministers meet ahead of Syria meeting in Paris

Foreign Ministers meet ahead of Syria meeting in Paris

(VOVworld) - Foreign ministers representing countries that support the Syrian opposition met in Paris on Monday to prepare for an international meeting on the Syria crisis in New York on December 18. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius received...
COP21 adopts a global climate agreement

COP21 adopts a global climate agreement

(VOVworld) – Representatives from 195 countries attending COP21, the UN Conference on Climate Change, in Paris on Saturday adopted a historic agreement on preventing global warming, the cause of sea water rise...
COP21: Climate deal due Saturday

COP21: Climate deal due Saturday

(VOVworld) - Negotiators at the Paris talks aim to wrap up a global agreement to curb climate change on Saturday - a day later than expected, hosts France said
COP21: draft of new climate deal released

COP21: draft of new climate deal released

(VOVworld) - French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who is chairing the 21st UN conference on climate change, has released the latest draft of a global climate deal