US, China seek to unfreeze relations

US, China seek to unfreeze relations

(VOVWORLD) - US national security adviser Jake Sullivan and China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi met in Switzerland on Wednesday in a bid to improve communication
US, China seek common ground

US, China seek common ground

(VOVWORLD) - One of this week’s major international diplomatic events was the two-day visit to China’s north-eastern port city of Tianjin by US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy...
NATO adopts tougher stance on China

NATO adopts tougher stance on China

(VOVWORLD) - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) held an in-person summit in Brussels on Monday attended by US President Joe Biden. NATO members released a joint statement highlighting China-related...
China sanctions US, Canadian individuals, entity

China sanctions US, Canadian individuals, entity

(VOVWORLD) - China announced new sanctions on relevant US and Canadian individuals and entity, citing the two countries' recent moves of imposing unilateral, disinformation-based sanctions on relevant individuals and entity...
US, Europe, NATO join hands to counter China

US, Europe, NATO join hands to counter China

(VOVWORLD) - The US and European countries are closing ranks to respond to China’s Xinjiang-related behavior, days after the US and its allies launched coordinated sanctions against Chinese officials
EU, China impose tit-for-tat sanctions

EU, China impose tit-for-tat sanctions

(VOVWORLD) - The European Union imposed sanctions on Monday on four Chinese officials, including a top security director, for human rights issues in Xinjiang, to which China responded with its own...