Vietnam-Cambodia land border issues debated at NA

Vietnam-Cambodia land border issues debated at NA

(VOVWORLD) - Deputies to the ongoing session of the National Assembly on Thursday discussed the ratification of the Supplementary Treaty to the 1985 Treaty on the Delimitation of National Boundaries and the...
Vietnam praised for readiness to ratify EVFTA, IPA

Vietnam praised for readiness to ratify EVFTA, IPA

(VOVWORLD) - Bernd Lange, Chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade, has praised Vietnam’s readiness to ratify the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement and the Vietnam-EU...
Party’s ideological foundation defended

Party’s ideological foundation defended

(VOVWORLD) - Fighting against distortion and hostility and defending Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought are the primary tasks of Party building and rectification. According to Professor Doctor Vu...
Vietnamese NA Vice Chairwoman participates in 141st IPU

Vietnamese NA Vice Chairwoman participates in 141st IPU

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese National Assembly always supports the completion of the legal framework, the enhancement of execution oversight, and participation in parliamentary diplomacy activities to increase information sharing and experience
Vietnam, Hungary step up cooperation

Vietnam, Hungary step up cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) always wants to promote friendship and cooperation with Hungary, NA Vice Chairman Phung Quoc Hien said during talks with Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian...
Vietnam urges Spain to adopt EVFTA, IPA

Vietnam urges Spain to adopt EVFTA, IPA

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has asked the Spanish government and parliament to back the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement at the European...
Vietnam realizes international labor standards

Vietnam realizes international labor standards

(VOVWORLD) - Ratifying and following international labor standards has become increasingly important to improving Vietnam’s competitive edge. In recent years, Vietnam has ratified a number of conventions of the International...