America continues Middle East policy

America continues Middle East policy

(VOVWORLD) - The US under the Trump administration has continued its policy of intervention in the Middle East, an important geo-political region where the US has many interests. Like Trump’s...
For a safer world with no nuclear weapons

For a safer world with no nuclear weapons

(VOVWORLD) - When Honduras ratified the UN Treaty on the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) last week, the Treaty reached the required 50 ratifications to enter into force in the next 90...
Trump refuses virtual debate with Biden

Trump refuses virtual debate with Biden

(VOVWORLD) - President Donald Trump added more turbulence to the U.S. presidential race by refusing to participate in next Thursday’s debate with Democratic rival Joe Biden after it was changed...
First 2020 Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

First 2020 Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

(VOVWORLD) - The first 2020 presidential debate between President Donald Trump and his Democratic rival Joe Biden took place Tuesday night in Cleveland, Ohio. The live 90-minute debate centered on "The Trump and Biden Records," "The Supreme Court," "Covid-19...