Wednesday May 22, 2013

Wednesday May 22, 2013

In a letter to VOV dated April 15, Patrick wrote: “I enjoy listening to the Voice of Vietnam programs. I’ve been a regular listener since the 1970s. Thank you for keeping me informed...
Wednesday, December 12th, 2012

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012

This week a Christmas atmosphere is starting to be felt in Vietnam. Temporarily putting off aside their economic woes, Vietnamese people, especially Christians, are eagerly preparing for Christmas
Wednesday 28 November 2012

Wednesday 28 November 2012

This week, we were impressed and moved by letters and emails from listeners in Assam, India. They set a record by sending us an average of 4 to 5 letters...
 Wednesday November 21, 2012

Wednesday November 21, 2012

To begin this week’s Letter Box, I would like to say Hello to Omar Alfredo Robayo, a new listener of VOV. Welcome you to our worldwide Dx’ing community
September 26, 2012

September 26, 2012

I hope this edition of the Letter Box finds you well. We devote the first part of the Letter Box to acknowledging letters from Indian Dx’ers
Healing landmine wounds

Healing landmine wounds

Nearly 40 years after the war, Vietnam is still suffering from wartime aftermaths with the number of landmine victims mounting year after year