Japan-South Korea trade tension risks escalation

Japan-South Korea trade tension risks escalation

(VOVWORLD) - Trade tension between Japan and South Korea has escalated into an all-out trade war. The two countries have imposed restrictions on technology material exports, consumption, and tourism, raising...
Dangerous turn in US-China trade war

Dangerous turn in US-China trade war

(VOVWORLD) - A range of economic retaliatory moves from the US and China on Monday has pushed the US-China trade war to a dangerous level. Recent moves show...
Russia approves law suspending INF treaty

Russia approves law suspending INF treaty

(VOVWORLD) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a bill to formalize its departure from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty with the US, said an article published Wednesday...
India imposes tariffs on 28 US goods

India imposes tariffs on 28 US goods

(VOVWORLD) - India will impose higher retaliatory tariffs on 28 US products including almonds, apples and walnuts from Sunday, following Washington’s withdrawal of key trade privileges for New Delhi
Asia and the US-China trade war

Asia and the US-China trade war

(VOVWORLD) - The annual conference on the Future and Asia is being hosted by the Nikkei Inc in Tokyo on Thursday and Friday. High on the agenda of the conference is...
Tensions escalate in Gaza

Tensions escalate in Gaza

(VOVWORLD) - The Arab League (AL) on Tuesday denounced the escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip and blamed Israel for the consequences of its "aggression
US-Turkey tensions unabated

US-Turkey tensions unabated

(VOVWORLD) - Relations between the two NATO allies, the US and Turkey, are tense over Turkey’s detention of American pastor Andrew Brunson. Instead of seeking a compromise, Turkey has accelerated cooperation...
Negative impact of US-China trade war

Negative impact of US-China trade war

(VOVWORLD) - The US and China have embarked on a trade war which is likely to continue as the world’s two biggest economies show no sign of backing down. The...