Bougatsa phyllo pastry, the soul of Greek cuisine

Bougatsa phyllo pastry, the soul of Greek cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - Greece is a country with rich ancient culture and natural beauty. Its attraction comes from impressive tourist sites full of mythology and fine cuisine, especially traditional desserts. Bougatsa phyllo pastry, for...
Vietnam responds to World Water Day

Vietnam responds to World Water Day

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nation has selected the theme “Groundwater: making the invisible visible” for World Water Day 2022. The event calls on the global community to protect and sustainably use groundwater...
South Korea applies for CPTPP membership

South Korea applies for CPTPP membership

(VOVWORLD) - South Korea will begin the process of joining the CPTPP, a massive Asia-Pacific free trade deal, South Korean Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Hong Nam-ki said...
Special TV program honors President Ho Chi Minh

Special TV program honors President Ho Chi Minh

(VOVWORLD) - An art program entitled "Dang Hinh Dat Nuoc" (The shape of Vietnam) was broadcast live on Vietnam Television on Thursday evening to mark 110 years since President Ho Chi Minh left Vietnam for...
Historical autumn in the memories of songwriters

Historical autumn in the memories of songwriters

(VOVWORLD) - Revolutionary songs hold a special place in Vietnam’s musical history. Many songwriters including Nguyen Dinh Thi and Xuan Oanh have used music to reflect the country’s historical...