UN powers discuss resolution on Syria

UN powers discuss resolution on Syria

(VOVworld)- The five permanent UN Security Council members met in New York on Wednesday to discuss a resolution on securing Syria's chemical weapons, after an agreement was reached last...
 UN affirms chemical weapon use in Syria

UN affirms chemical weapon use in Syria

(VOVworld) - Representatives of the UN expert group on Monday submitted to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon the report on chemical weapon use in an attack on August 21 in...
Chemical weapons in Syria

Chemical weapons in Syria

(VOVworld)- After several negotiations, Syrian President Bashar Al Assad has finally agreed to allow UN inspectors to investigate 3 sites suspected of storing chemical weapons
Syria denies alleged use of chemical weapons

Syria denies alleged use of chemical weapons

(VOVworld) – Syria’s Minister of Information Omran al-Zohbi says the US and UK’s accusations that Damascus may have used chemical weapons are “inconsistent with reality and a barefaced...

Vietnam, Cambodia NAs strengthen ties

(VOVworld)- The National Assemblies of Vietnam and Cambodia have agreed to increase information and experience sharing and assist each other in personnel training. The agreement was reached during meetings in...