Vietnamese animation company sets two records

Vietnamese animation company sets two records

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese animation studio Sconnect has officially been recognized for two records in the fields of animated film copyrights and multilingual distribution on digital platforms, marking the first time...
AI emerges as a global issue

AI emerges as a global issue

(VOVWORLD) - This year Artificial Intelligence (AI) became a major global issue. Along with its extremely broad potential for socio-economic development, AI presents great security and safety risks, prompting countries...
National Press Conference 2023 opens

National Press Conference 2023 opens

(VOVWORLD) - The National Press Conference to review work in 2023 and set out tasks for 2024 took place in Hanoi on Thursday drawing more than 700 representatives of press agencies...
Schubert in a Mug: Intimate classical music concerts for all

Schubert in a Mug: Intimate classical music concerts for all

(VOVWORLD) - For centuries, classical music, characterized by its complexity, depth, and emotional range, has been performed in majestic theaters often adorned with exquisite chandeliers, plush velvet seats, and elegant details. The association between classical music and grand theaters is deeply rooted...
NA sets target of 6.5% GDP growth in 2024

NA sets target of 6.5% GDP growth in 2024

(VOVWORLD) - On Thursday, 90% of lawmakers attending the ongoing National Assembly session voted in favor of a resolution on Socio-Economic Development Plan for 2024