Freedom of speech, freedom of press ensured in Vietnam

Freedom of speech, freedom of press ensured in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Freedom of speech and freedom of press are fundamental human rights that Vietnam is committed under the general principles of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. But this is a sensitive issue that...
Vietnam’s Pho culture

Vietnam’s Pho culture

(VOVWORLD) - For many Vietnamese, Pho is much more than just noodle soup. From street vendors to luxurious restaurants, Pho has become the national dish of Vietnam. The history of pho...
Wednesday April 8, 2020

Wednesday April 8, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - First on Letter Box today, we’d like to send safe and healthy wishes to you all worldwide during this difficult time of the Covid-19 pandemic
Israel’s election impacts Middle East politics

Israel’s election impacts Middle East politics

(VOVWORLD) - Israeli voters cast their second ballot of the year on Tuesday to decide the political future of incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a nationalist, conservative, and hard-line leader. The...


Highlights: - Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth split. - Plant-based foods may protect heart health. - Lady Gaga faces lawsuit on "Shallow". - Tips: How to make sheet masks effective
Foreign scholars: China violates UNCLOS

Foreign scholars: China violates UNCLOS

(VOVWORLD) - The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) which officially took effect 25 years ago, is considered the world’s maritime constitution. China signed the Convention...
Bombax flowers stir-fried with beef

Bombax flowers stir-fried with beef

(VOVWORLD) - Bombax flowers are brilliant red flowers which are in full bloom only once in March every year. Bombax flowers are also an amazing ingredient for food. Cooked bombax flowers have...
Grilled rice crackers

Grilled rice crackers

(VOVWORLD) - Banh Trang Nuong, or Grilled rice crackers is one of the most popular street snacks for students and teenagers in Vietnam. The image of a lady sitting on the footpath grilling...