World community addresses Afghan issues

World community addresses Afghan issues

(VOVWORLD) - A month and a half after the Taliban returned to power, Afghanistan continues to face security and humanitarian challenges. The international community has launched efforts to help ease...
Wednesday September 15, 2021

Wednesday September 15, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - Last week we continued to receive messages of congratulations from listeners for VOV’s 76th anniversary. VOVWorld’s 13 language services received nearly 600 letters, emails, and phone calls...
Wednesday September 8, 2021

Wednesday September 8, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - This week, colleagues and listeners around the world congratulated us on Voice of Vietnam’s 76th founding anniversary, September 7th. These messages encourage us to keep improving our programming...
VOVWorld – linking Vietnam with the world

VOVWorld – linking Vietnam with the world

(VOVWORLD) - VOVWorld or VOV5 of the Voice of Vietnam with its multi-foreign language broadcasts started its first overseas program on September 7, 1945. Over the last 76 years, VOV5’s journalists...
Wednesday September 1, 2021

Wednesday September 1, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - First of all, we’d like to thank you for your congratulations for Vietnam’s National Day, September 2 and VOV’s founding anniversary, September 7
Death toll from Haiti earthquake nears 2,000

Death toll from Haiti earthquake nears 2,000

(VOVWORLD) - Some 2,000 people have died and approximately 9,900 were injured by a 7.2-magnitude earthquake which struck Haiti Saturday morning, government officials have confirmed. UNICEF has reported that...
Vietnam, Finland effectively tap EVFTA

Vietnam, Finland effectively tap EVFTA

(VOVWORLD) - For Vietnam, Finland is a significant market in the EU where it has enjoyed positive growth recently, evidenced by bilateral trade in the first half of 2021 registering 285 million USD,...
Cooperatives in Kon Tum weather COVID-19 impacts

Cooperatives in Kon Tum weather COVID-19 impacts

(VOVWORLD) - Kon Tum province has 187 cooperatives with over 9,600 members. Solidarity and creativity are enabling the cooperatives to overcome the difficulties of the COVID-19 epidemic and prepare...
Wednesday July 14, 2021

Wednesday July 14, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - First on our show today, we’d like to welcome Mouad Belgrid of Morocco to VOV. Moaud told us that he listened to us on shortwave and followed us...